This is where all the answers to your questions are.
Our standard delivery for landed offshore boards is 15 days but you can choose from 24hrs, 3-day, 5 days and 10 days landed deliveries. We also offer both scheduled and consignment stock services so for large quantity orders not required on a one-drop delivery, we will store your boards for up to 12 months free of charge.
PCB's are produced in a large variety of electronic products and therefore need to be produced in lots of varied sizes. As a guide, we can go as small as 5mm square, up to backplane products, just tell us the exact size you require, and we will produce it for you. There are several factors to consider including the size of the product, single-sided, double-sided, multi-layer as well as the number and size of the components to be soldered on. For information and assistance please call us on 01462 452616 and speak to one of our experts.
PCB's come in a variety of thicknesses to accommodate a multitude of products and requirements. 1.6mm is the standard thickness for multilayer boards but we can produce from 0.4mm up to 3.2mm. Just tell us your requirements when requesting your quote and we will be happy to advise accordingly.
Our standard colour solder resist is green but there are other colours available, red, black, blue, and white. We appreciate the colour of the solder resist is particularly important especially if the board is going to be on display as in lighting, hi-fi equipment or consumer electronics. Just let us know what colour you require and we will be happy to produce this for you.
Our standard finish is HASL (Hot Air Solder Levelling). This is where the PCB's are immersed in molten tin alloy and the HASL machine then removes any excess with a blast of hot air. This leaves the surface mounts smooth and flat for soldering. HASL is lead free and compliant with RoHS (Removal of Hazardous Substances) regulations. We can also finish boards in Silver, Nickle, Palladium, ENIG (Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold) and OSP (Organic Solderability Preservative)
The finished diameter of a hole is determined after the plating and surface finish has been applied. The smallest hole size is 0.2mm and the designer of your PCB will determine this. The actual drill size is always larger than the finished diameter because drilling takes place before plating and surface finishing, so we add 0.1mm to the required finish size to allow for this fact. If you are in any doubt about the hole sizes, please call us on 01462 452616 and speak to one of our PCB experts.
We require Gerber files in order to process your order. This can be either supplied by you or we can produce them for you based on your circuit diagram and component list by providing a CAD image in-house. We can also design PCBs if you have an existing circuit that needs reproducing or from historic designs. We also offer Reverse Engineering services which enable us to scan old boards with no available data in order to produce the exact same board. Our skilled engineers will be happy to help you every step of the way.
No. We will automatically open a customer file in your name to keep track of quotes, orders, and deliveries but this is not a payment account. On your first order, we will issue you with a pro forma invoice that would need to be paid when your order is placed. Any future payments will be invoiced once we have delivered your goods. We accept Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal.